
Uploading this for my own amusement


Expressive Words Reflection

Encircle Jumping Apart Imposters So for the first design I did was "Encircle" where all the letters would encircle nothing... literally just encircling the void. Next up for the second design I did the word jumping where every 2nd character would be jumping up. For the third design I did Apart where all the letters were spaced apart in a rather weird way, you would know this if you checked the "expressivewords3.indd" file. And for the fourth design i did "Imposters" where the "I" was replaced with a "1", "O" being replaced with a zero and the "S"s being replaced with Fives

Gestalt Principles Reflection

Similarity "Figure-Ground" Continuity/Closure Closure & Similarity Closure   To be honest, I don't think I followed any of the Gestalt Principles, but I think I combined some aspects of them in the 5 designs that I cooked up. So for the First design what I did was a Similarity thing, Where you would see a bunch of Uppercase Ws but there's also a sneaky Upside-down M hiding in plain view. The Second design I did was sort of an illusion using Capital Is and Js, with some of them being white, so it's basically positive and negative space. For the Third design, I'm not sure whether I did Continuity or Closure or did both. but basically in this design, you can roughly connect the E with the RWs. The Fourth design I definitely did was Closure and Similarity, where I created the letter "J" with "I"s, a J, and a period (.), The similarity part was typing an actual J and putting it next to the custom "J". The Fifth and last design I di

Block Set Type Reflection

  So this simple block-type thing was quite easy to make, First, I typed up the words that were assigned to me in the Helvetica LT STD Condensed, Rockwell, and Georiga fonts. Next, I adjusted the size of the individual words so that it would be close to the margins. Third, I adjusted the leading which can be quite hard to do without using a method/dirty trick. I have utilized a method where you make a small selection box, align it to the bottom of the baseline of a word, and then adjust the leading of the word below it so that the top of the cap height of that word aligns with that selection box.  I found InDesign quite easy to use due to the fact that I've used similar programs before such as, Inkscape, and Photopea  so most of the shortcuts I already knew before could be applied very easily to InDesign.

Type II by Emmanuel Acevedo

Adobe InDesign by what i could tell from testing the program last spring is usually used for making prints such as Posters, Brochures and Magazines. but what do i think of it?

Hello, Introduction is in a old blog

Just click the intro blog here. H ttps:// I will be updating my age and what year im in and probably my picture

The Three Letters Reflection

 For this drawing I chose the Letters G, J, and S. I drew the S in a Transitional Font (Baskerville), I drew the g in a Slab Serif Font (Rockwell), and finally, I drew the j in a Sans Serif Font (Helvetica). The way I chose these three letters of the English lexicon is quite childish to be honest, I played  eeny meeny miny moe several times to choose random letters when I was doing the initial five out of six sketches I was supposed to do.