Gestalt Principles Reflection




Closure & Similarity

 To be honest, I don't think I followed any of the Gestalt Principles, but I think I combined some aspects of them in the 5 designs that I cooked up. So for the First design what I did was a Similarity thing, Where you would see a bunch of Uppercase Ws but there's also a sneaky Upside-down M hiding in plain view. The Second design I did was sort of an illusion using Capital Is and Js, with some of them being white, so it's basically positive and negative space. For the Third design, I'm not sure whether I did Continuity or Closure or did both. but basically in this design, you can roughly connect the E with the RWs. The Fourth design I definitely did was Closure and Similarity, where I created the letter "J" with "I"s, a J, and a period (.), The similarity part was typing an actual J and putting it next to the custom "J". The Fifth and last design I did was Closure where an Uppercase "O" was cut through with a White "Uppercase I". In the end, I mostly followed 3 of the 7 Gestalt principles


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