Analog & Digital Color

1. What are pixels?

    Pixels are the small dots/squares that make the display on a screen

2. How is color viewed on Computer Monitors?

    Colors are viewed on Computer Monitors and basically every electronic by using RGB (Red, Green, Blue) values

3. What is the additive color space?

    Additive color space is light created by mixing various Red Green and Blue values

4. Describe which additive color sliders values in InDesign you would use to make white and black.

    To make Black you would need to set all the values (that's the Red, Green, and Blue) to 0, To make White you would need to set all the values to 255. ]

5. What is the subtractive color space?

    Subtractive color space is the pigments (Print/Ink) created by mixing various CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and BlacK) values.

6. Describe which additive color sliders values in InDesign you would use to make white and black.

    To make Black you would need to set all the values (that's the Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and BlacK) to 100%, To make White you would need to set all the values to 0%.

7. What is color calibration?

    Color Calibration is where you try adjusting colors to make it more accurate to the final output.

8. How does the PMS (Pantone Matching System) color system ensure color fidelity?

    The PMS ensures color fidelity by labeling colors using a 3-4 digit code with a letter at the end (Usually C, M or U) so that these colors can be identified easily.

9. What is analog color (analog ≠ analogous)?

     Analog colors are colors that lie next to any given color. For example, Orange being next to Red and Orange being next to Yellow

10. What is digital color?

    Digital Colors are saturated, bright colors created by using light emitted from computer screens and TVs to display whatever it is you're trying to view


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