TikTok Marketing reflection

 For the TikTok Marketing presentation, I learned that when making an ad for the app you should: 

1. Make it organic, in other words, make it look like the other generic TikToks that you see on the app so that the viewer can somewhat be hooked into watching the whole thing, and may also consider trying out whatever you're trying to advertise. Use basic elements that the app gives you by default such as the text-to-speech voice, captions, and visual effects.

2. You don't really need a big budget to make a successful TikTok, not just in advertisements but in general as most people just use whatever things they have at home or buy something at their local 99 cents store and utilize some visual effects that the app offers to make it seem cool.

3. You should hop onto a trend that doesn't involve a specific song or gimmick, make sure it has some longevity. In order to check this you can use the filters in the search feature on TikTok in order to find if a trend has died out or is still ongoing.


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